Parkinson School

Monthly Membership Includes Access to All Live & Recorded Sessions

Parkinson School was created to be a scientifically-sound, comprehensive, integrative, affordable resource for helping patients and their support team navigate Parkinson's.

Over 3000 students from 55 different countries are currently enrolled in Parkinson School. We invite you to watch recorded sessions, participate in live classes, teach us what you know, and learn from us what you can!

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Both the Monthy and Annual membership options grant you access to the ENTIRE Parkinson's School Library AND the monthly live discussions that are hosted.

Laurie K Mischley


Dr. Mischley has spent the past two decades studying the unique nutritional requirements of people with Parkinsonism and working to find better ways to measure, monitor, predict, and prevent PD. Her academic training is in naturopathic medicine (ND), nutrition (PhD), and epidemiology (MPH). She built the Parkinson Symptom Tracking App (, has trained dogs to detect the scent of parkinsonism in ear wax (, is lead investigator of the, and is founder of the Parkinson Center for Pragmatic Research (CPR). She created in 2020 as a way to empower patients, accelerate education and catalyze some long overdue conversations.