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Seminar Series
Library: The Basics (23)
Seminar Series (10)
Speaker Series (14)
Dietary Implementation Ideas (9)
Dr. Becky Farley, PhD, MS, PT
Dr. Bjerke, Dr. Riegle, Dr. Holder, Dr. Mischley
Dr. Bjerke, ND and Dr. Riegle, ND
Dr. Farley, Dr. Coomer and Dr. McLean
Dr. Farley, Dr. Coomer, Dr. McLean and Russ Parker
Dr. Joshua Farahnik, ND
Dr. Karin Duncan, ND
Dr. Kathryn Wyman-Chick, PsyD, ABPP
Dr. Kimball Magoni, PhD
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Dr. Samantha Evans, ND
Dr. Sexton and Tracy Budtender
Dr. Standish, Dr. Aggarawal, Dr. Mischley
Dr. Subramanian, P. Lynch, Dr. Duda, Debbie Leung
Dr. Tagliati and Dr. Mischley
Dr. Tagliati, Dr. Jeanmonod and Dr. Mischley
Dr. Tagliati, Dr. Jeanmonod and Dr. Mischley
Kelly Morrow, MS, RDN, FAND
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Seminar Series
Interoceptive Sensitivity and Parkinsonism
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Exercising Our "6th Sense" Makes Sense (28 Dec 2023)
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Sexual Health and Parkinson's Disease
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An Open and Honest Conversation About Sex, Pleasure, Intimacy and PD
Dr. Samantha Evans, ND
Environmental Threats to Brain Health
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Awareness, Avoidance, & Elimination
Dr. Joshua Farahnik, ND
B12 Deficiency in Parkinsonism
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Why EVERY Patient Should be Screened at Baseline
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Weight Loss in Parkinsonism
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Nutritional Density, Enhancing Absorption, Measures of Malnutrition
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Bone Health in Parkinson's
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Invited Guest Lecture: Dr. John Neustadt
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Hair Element Analysis in Parkinsonism
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Alkali Metal Depletion (Lithium, Potassium, Sodium, Rubidium), Cobalt, Manganese, and other Essential Minerals
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Risk Assessment & Prevention
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Don't Wait Until It's Too Late
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Diet and Parkinson Progression
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2023 Update - Summary of 10 Year of Data from the MVP Study
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Dietary Controversies in Parkinson's
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Exploring & Arguing About Interpretations, Exceptions, Considerations, & Loopholes
Dr. Laurie K Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH